There are quite a number of highlights inside Seville Cathedral, which includes 4 facades, 80 chapels, twin organs and tombs of several great people, including Christopher Columbus. Capilla Mayor (Main Chapel) has a breathtaking gilded altarpiece with intricate carvings and stained glass windows. Along the four facades, there are 15 doors, and you should definitely not miss the Door of Assumption, Door of Saint Miguel, Door of the Prince, Door of Palos, and Door of the Bells. Of the 80 chapels, the Chapel of Saint Anthony is the most interesting one, for the painting of The Vision of St. Anthony by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo.
Visit Seville CathedralThe remains of Christopher Columbus are kept in a monument inside Seville Cathedral. This tomb is held in place by four allegorical figures depicting the four kingdoms in Spain where he spent most of his life. The kingdoms were Castile, Leon, Navara, and Aragon. Christopher Columbus’ tomb was designed by Arturo Melida and installed in 1899, one of the last additions to Seville Cathedral. His remains were shifted to different locations due to several events and political power shifts until it found its place in Seville again.
Some of the other important people buried in Seville Cathedral includes Fernando III of Castile, Elisabeth of Hohenstaufen, Alfonso X of Castile, Pedro I of Castile, and María Díaz de Padilla.
This Gothic Cathedral consists of the Main Chapel with the great Seville Cathedral altar, side chapels, choir, and 15 doors. It is the largest altarpiece in the world and can be found opposite the choir. The altarpiece consists of 44 reliefs from Bible scenes, made in polychrome, wood and gold.
Located on the western side of Patio de los Naranjos, Colombiana Library is home to some rare books and manuscripts. There are over 6,000 copies consisting of 940 incunabula and thousands of manuscripts in this library. Some of these manuscripts were the works of Christopher Columbus.
The crown jewel of Cathedral de Seville is La Giralda, the bell tower that was originally the minaret in Almohad Mosque. The total height of the Giralda from its base to weather vane is 104.5 meters and is an important symbol in Seville. Featuring a Renaissance-style top, the tower became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.
Capilla Real or the Royal Chapel is a Renaissance addition to the cathedral and features the royal tombs. Built in the 16th century, this chapel has two altars. One altar holds a silver shrine featuring relics of Saint Ferdinand. The other boasts a 13th-century figure of Patron Saint of Seville, the Virgin of the kings.
The Chapter House of Cathedral de Seville is yet another Spanish Renaissance addition. Known for its domed ceiling that reflects the marble flooring, the Chapter House holds some of the best works of Murillo. It was built in the 16th century to hear the issues of the members gathered and come to a resolution together that benefits all.
From the antechambers of Great Chapel, visitors can enter another Renaissance addition - the Main Sacristy. This room is a museum displaying historic sacred art. This includes Monatanes crucifix and paintings by celebrated Spanish artists such as Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Luis de Morales, Francisco de Goya, and more.
The Tabernacle of Cathedral de Seville is a Baroque-style temple and a Catholic place of worship. Inside the temple, there is a heritage treasure. The treasure consists of a carving of Child Jesus by Juan Martinez Montanes along with the Christ of Crown, a Nazarene.
The Office Pavilion is a Neo-classical addition that was built between the 18th and the 20th centuries. Here, one can find a series of offices and museums that were constructed because the older structures were precarious. These new rooms feature large pillars made out of mortar and arches to offer stability to the walls and the rooms.
Cathedral de Seville is the final resting place for Christopher Columbus’ remains. Visitors can find the tomb of Christopher Columbus just inside Seville Cathedral's door. It is held up by four allegorical figures that represent Castile, Navaro, Leon, and Aragon (Spain’s kingdoms where Columbus spent his life). Designed by Arturo Melida, the tomb was added to the cathedral in 1899.
Tomb of ColumbusThe Patio de los Naranjos is the famous courtyard in Cathedral de Seville that is filled with beautiful orange trees. Preserved from the original mosque, this patio has a Moorish design and once served as the prayer hall in the mosque. There is also a fountain from the Visigoth period on top of the original fountain, used for washing by worshippers before entering the mosque.
Yes, visitors can go inside Seville Cathedral Spain to take a tour of the largest cathedral in the world.
There are many famous people whose remains can be found inside Seville Cathedral, including Christopher Columbus and his son, Ferdinand III of Castile, his son Alfonso the Wise, and Peter the Just.
The Renaissance additions made to the Seville Cathedral are the Royal Chapel, Main Sacristy, and Chapter House.
The new Tabernacle in the 17th century was the new Baroque addition that one can see inside Seville Cathedral.
One can see the Neoclassical additions in the form of the Office Pavilion inside Seville Cathedral, Spain.
The tomb of Christopher Columbus is just inside the Seville Cathedral door. Held by four allegorical figures, the tomb was designed by Arturo Melida. These figures represent the four kingdoms of Spain which Columbus visited during his lifetime.
There are three major architectural features of elements kept from the mosque in the present-day Seville Cathedral. This includes the original minaret converted into a bell tower, the Door of Forgiveness, and the Patio of de los Naranjos.